low back pain from sedentary work environments

How a Sedentary Workplace Effects Your Spine

Over the past fifty years, we have seen the greatest growth in postural spinal complaints (such as low back pain) since the Industrial Revolution. From 1750-1830 the world leaped forward as machines aided mankind in countless and profound ways. However, one of the unintended consequences of all that immense progress was the creation of the […]

Oh My Aching Back!! Treating Back Pain with Chiropractic

For Decades, Chiropractors have been associated with helping patients with back pain and backaches, and for good reason! We have been so successful at the detection of the cause and treatment of back (spinal) pain. One of the most common causes of back pain is related to spinal misalignment. When a vertebra misaligns due to […]

2 Kinds of Chiropractic Adjustments

For over a century, Chiropractors have been adjusting vertebral subluxations (misalignments in the spine) and promote health and well-being. The most common understanding of what we are doing revolves around treating patients for spinal pain. Neck pain, backaches, sciatica are an everyday occurrence, as well as carpel tunnel, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder and rotator cuff […]

Who What When Where Why

The general process of inquiry usually begins with the basic five:            Who     What     When   Where     Why The why always seems most important to me.  In reference to health and healing…why chiropractic? As a chiropractor, I have studied and observed our body’s ability to adapt to stressors which contribute to illness. Every day […]

Fall is here – which can bring back pain!

As we experience the effects of autumn, many of us prepare for fall clean-up (just as we anticipated Spring yardwork after our long winter last year!). The magnificent New England foliage is inevitably transformed into a leaf gathering and removal exercise. (Remember when we used to burn leaves…oh that autumn smell…). Here are a few […]

Chiropractic Side Effects

Over the past 25 years of being a chiropractor, one might think that I’ve heard it all.  But, every day brings on a new experience that humbles and reminds me that chiropractic care has no boundaries. Patients report a number of chiropractic side effects, so we decided to make a list. Here are some of the most common: […]

Pain from Gardening and Yardwork

Now that we are finally done with the longest winter in my memory, it is time for Summer activities. Summer’s arrival typically demands a lot of yard work and gardening. Many of us can’t wait to get out there and get started but, we often end up overdoing it. The constant bending, raking, weeding, planting […]

Welcome to the new Cofrancesco Chiropractic website!

Hello everyone! If you’ve visited cofrancescochiropractic.com before, you probably notice our new look. We’ve finally gotten around to having our website redesigned and we are very pleased with the results. You’ll be happy to know that we will also be adding a lot more content for your reading and viewing pleasure over the coming months. This “News and Info” […]